Our Collaborators
Oriel Science are proud to showcase and work with a variety of Swansea University researchers, student societies, and outreach groups in our events, talks and exhibitions. See below for more information about our some of our wonderful collaborators:
Accelerate Healthcare Technology Centre (AHTC) is a pan-Wales project led by Swansea University’s Medical School, and part of the collaborative Accelerate programme. Accelerate, co-funded with £24 million by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the Welsh Government’s Health and Social Services Group, Welsh Universities, Life Sciences Hub and health boards, is driving cutting-edge research and innovations to improve the health and wellbeing of those living in Wales.

AMBER seeks to apply adaptive management to the operation of barriers in European rivers to achieve more effective and efficient restoration of stream connectivity. The project is developing methods which will allow hydropower companies and river managers to maximize benefits and minimize ecological impacts. AMBER will help protect global biodiversity in rivers by promoting habitat connectivity and evaluate the merits of different restoration actions.

ASTUTE 2020 is designed to stimulate growth in the manufacturing sector across Wales by applying advanced engineering technologies to manufacturing challenges, driving cutting-edge Research, Development, and Innovations (RD&I). Part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund through the Welsh Government and participating Higher Education Institutions.

The Blue Fish Project is an EU-funded Irish-Welsh project involving Swansea University and other Welsh and Irish institutions. It aims to understand the vulnerability of the commercial fish and shellfish in the Irish and Celtic seas to climate change and invasive species.

The Egypt Centre is Wales' only museum of Egyptian antiquities and with over 6000 objects is the largest collection of Egyptian antiques in Wales. The Museum is based on Swansea University's Singleton Campus and is open Tuesdays - Saturdays, 10am - 4pm.

The Faulkes Telescope Project offers free resources for STEM education and provides free access to a global network of telescopes. Working with amateur and professional astronomers, we aim to get schools doing real science, with real scientists in real-time.

The Maggot Research Group, led by Prof Yamni Nigam, researches the medicinal use of maggots for wound healing. The Love a Maggot campaign was launched to raise awareness of using living maggots as a clinical treatment to help clear and heal chronic wounds including in patients with diabetes and vascular conditions.

MATERIALS@SWANSEA is a cluster of projects that focuses on the decarbonisation of buildings and industry, and shares expertise in metals, alloys, coatings, energy generation, storage and systems. Their activities include Training and Skills, Metallurgy and Coatings, Energy in Buildings and Advanced Facilities.

The Mullany Fund is a South Wales social mobility charity based in Swansea University. It runs a Lottery-funded e-Mentoring programme, Mullany e-Mentoring, for young people which provides them with support on their studies and future career paths. It focuses on those from less-advantaged backgrounds with an interest in life sciences.

RICE is a project which helps industries reduce their carbon dioxide emissions. Supported by RICE, Dr Jennifer Rudd has developed You and CO2 which is a series of workshops for Key Stage 3 students teaching climate change through interdisciplinary and interactive learning. Dr Rudd is also involved in "Recycling Carbon", an outreach activity describing how to capture, store and convert carbon dioxide into useful products.

Swansea University Science for Schools Scheme (S4) is a Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) outreach project. It connects Key Stage 3 students from areas with low participation rates in higher education (in South Wales) with university science. S4 aims to get young people excited by, and engaged in, science through free, hands-on, curiosity-driven, workshops.
SEACAMS2 develops opportunities in low carbon, energy and environment in the convergence regions of Wales. It focuses on the potential offered by the marine economy and marine renewable energy including tidal lagoons, tidal streams and wave technology, and is partially funded by the EU.

Swansea University Biosciences Entomology Outreach (SUBEO). We are an enthusiastic group of staff and students from Swansea University Biosciences who want to tell everyone about the value, diversity and awesomeness of insects!

Technocamps is a pan-Wales schools, community, and industry outreach programme led by Swansea University’s Computer Science Department which has hubs in each Welsh University. Its mission is to provide a wide spectrum of activities aimed at addressing shortcomings in computing education and skills.